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Crazy Guy on a Bike – Thur 6 Sep 2018, Day 277


Staying with Brenda Vorster, Otjiwarongo
Distance 75 + 10890 =   10965
Average 14.2
Time 5 h 00
Total from Amsterdam 16365
Location S20.461779, E16.645169

Peter and I chatted to a retired gentleman during breakfast who i had given a bottle of nasal spray for his bad bout of flue and he was telling us that he is ‘playing it forward’ teaching farm workers, the less fortunate, farming skills. After a lovely breakfast of muesli and yoghurt as well as bacon and eggs I next had to drag myself away from kitties Grey, Mimi and Sokkies … especially (boy) Mimi who could be our girl, Coco’s half brother. Thanked Madrie for Khoi Khoi’s hospitality, started pedalling at 08h15 and rode past the turn off to the B2 Gold mine opened by tha Canadians who keep Khoi Khoi GH very busy. We had a headwind and for 71 km it didn’t change direction, arriving in Otjiwarongo 5 hours later, exhausted.

The road in both directions was busy with a few idiots passing us closely, one big black fancy Mercedes overtook an oncoming truck flashing at us to move off the road. On arriving in Otjiwarongo I was stopped by a policeman who told me to wear a ‘reflective jacket’. The one I had on is the bright neon yellow one you’ve seen me wearing in many photos. How much more neon must I wear, Mmm  #@¥^&%  idiot. Does he not know reflective gear is lit up at night and not during the day ??. With that off my chest … we met Brenda, Pat Lorenz’s sister at the Casa Forno restaurant and she took us to her flat and we got to meet her Staffie, Jack. He’s an excitable dog, tail doesn’t stop for a second and an affectionate chap who loves any attention given. I crawled under the duvet while Peter and Jack bonded and watched some tv. Rode into town for supper ingredients … chicken burgers, stir fry veg, sausage and the usual, chocolate, cooldrinks and beers and a Hunters Dry. Supper was a welcome change and now Peter’s watching tv while I get this done. My eyes are klapping (shutting) so diary done for the day. Sleep well ????


– Madrie, manageress of Khoi Khoi Guest House who has been so kind to Peter and myself

– Mimi, the boy tabby Siamese crept into my heart yesterday as he reminds me of my girl, Coco back in Knysna

– Truck carrying two trucks carrying a minibus … only in Africa !!

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