Fri 7 Dec, 2018. Day 369
Staying with Pam and Alan Lofthouse
Distance 26 + 20697 = 20723
Average 13.5
Time 1 h 55 m
Location S34.0621, S18.450832
Today was another day of visiting people. We started with a visit to see 1. Jomo at Micklefield. He used to maintain our garden in Newlands. 2. David Grant, our vet in Rondebosch. 3. Paddy Chevalier is 91 and lives at Wraysbury Gardens .. we rented a flat here after selling our Newlands home. 4. Richard Rattue, Peter’s old compliance officer was next but we saw him in his vahicle. He did not recognize Peter at first but made a U turn and came to chat, giving us both huge hugs. 5. Duncan Pattenden was next and owns Orca Industries in Claremont.
On our way to Tokai we were surprised when a car stopped ahead to see Craig, Tracy’s fiancee, his Dad, Norman and brother, Ryan hop out the car and came over to chat. They are in Cape Town for the Sevens rugby tournament taking place over the weekend. 6. Trail and Tar bike shop in Tokai was our next stop but Joel is presently in Zambia. 7. Robert Bernatzeder was the last person we saw before making our way to Pam and Alan, my sister and brother in law. Pam was outside waiting for us. After hugs and kisses we got clothes washed, showered and supper was a great braai that Alan made. It’s 22h47 and we are both exhausted. Maybe it’s the pace that everyone operates at but we find it exhausting and wonder how we’ll fit into regular ‘living’ again. I’ve written enough garbage for today so lala salama everyone. Night night xx
– Peter had three punctures, all at Woolies in the Belverdere complex
– Jomo
– Duncan and staff at Orca Industries
– Paddy Chevalier
– Craig, Norman, Ryan
– Robert Bernatzeder has been backing up every diary email should my cell go on the blink
– My sister, Pam Lofthouse was waiting for us outside