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Guy on a Bike – Sat 2 June 2018, Day 181

Rest day at Ngala Lodge, Kamphambale
Distance 6696
Total from Amsterdam 12096

Woke to the call of a fish eagle, turtle doves, cocks crowing and the overlander truck from the Strand (CEY registration) packing up. They only have about six people in the group, all from Europe, and are heading towards Tanzania. None in the group want to go to Serengeti and the Ngorongoro crater as it is too expensive and only one person is going to do the trek to see the gorillas, not sure if in Uganda or Rwanda. Had a brisk walk to the ablutions and got there just in time ??. Owners Chris and Sandy have a television with dstv at their house and we watched Chiefs lose to Crusaders. All SA teams having a bye and only play again end of June. Took some pics of the swimming pool and I’ve no idea what I did but my phone took 100 of the same picture and the only way I know how to delete 99 of them is one by one. Walking up from the campsite to the lodge’s lounge area I heard a turtle dove cooing but to me it sounded like ‘mzungu mzungu’.

I should have brought my ipod along to listen to some loud music while cycling. We are now staying three nights here, yayy. It’s quiet, no other people camping, a stiff breeze blowing so no flies parking off on my legs, I’m still working on growing the hair on my calves. Haven’t shaved legs since my hair cut just before leaving Zanzibar ??. Duncan from Orca Industries advised us on how to pull out the steel cable to clean inside the shaft, it worked so now we have the petrol MSR Whisperlite working again, much to Peter’s relief. Washing done and Peter’s tummy is grumbling. Peter nodded off after lunch, and we’re about to go for a swim in the lodge’s swimming pool. Went shopping in the village for supper and I videod the one hifi that was blasting. Had slap chips bought in the village instead of spaghetti but the Whisperlite obviously is still blocked somewhere as it just gave up the ghost halfway through cooking the sauce. Watched a Bones episode and now heading for bed as it’s winter here and a bit chilly. 20h50 and time for bed. Night night xx

– Beautiful Ngala Lodge

– Our campsite with Lake Malawi in the back

– The beautiful gardens at Ngala Lodge

– Initially too chicken to dip a toe into the pool, Peter eventually took the plunge

– A gorgeous lodge, setting, gardens and staff

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