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Crazy Guy on Bike – Sun 7 Oct 2018, Day 308

Sun 7 Oct 2018, Day 308
Dennis+Jane McDonald, Auas Hills Retirement Village, Windhoek
Distance 11844
Total from Amsterdam 17244

We fiddled with our panniers, emptying everything and getting rid of the sand and gunk at the bottom of each one. Dennis and Jane have offered to take excess stuff back to Knysna as they’re flying down in December for a few weeks. Peter’s sending back tools we haven’t used and I’ve got a bit as well. We’ve been told that October is extremely hot in Namibia, so lightening our bags of excess weight will help when riding in extreme heat. Peter thinks it will take two weeks to reach the South African border.

Our friend and neighbour from Knysna, Helge collected us to go for coffee. Silvia wasn’t feeling well so we caught up with only Helge regarding our home and the complex, weather, Knysna town and the neighbours cats who he also invites into his house. Our girl, Coco visits him when our house sitters, Renton and Irene aren’t home. He drove us around Windhoek, pointing out where he and Silvia have a home and locations of a few of the embassies. His second hand Mercedes automatic A class was a great buy two years ago, 35000 km N115000 … cheap compared to second hand vehicles for sale in SA. Back at D+Js I patched a crack in my nalgene water bottle and Peter’s busy repairing punctures. Turns out there’s more than one crack to patch so have tossed the bottle … Jane had replacements for both Peter and myself. Dennis made a lekker braai and Jane did the salads. Movies again tonight … Stephen Leather’s The Foreigner based on the book, The Chinaman. A great movie. Off to bed, lala salama xx


– A really pretty bush, don’t know its name
– With Helge at Utopia restaurant
– Security gate at the huge Chinese Embassy and compound
– Braai time with Jane and Dennis

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