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Adapting your Will for life changes and digital assets – Part 3

Adapting your Will for life changes and digital assets – Part 3

  • Post category:Blog

Life is full of changes, and so are the ways we handle our assets. From marriage and divorce to digital legacies and business succession, there’s much to consider when keeping your Will up to date. In this final part of our series, we’ll explore how important it is to adapt your will to life events and new trends in estate planning.

  • Life events can change your Will
    It’s essential to revisit and update your will regularly, especially after significant life changes. Origin understands your then-situation evolves over time. Origin’s team will therefore ensure your estate plan is aligned with your nowand future-situation, offering peace of mind that your wishes are accurately and holistically reflected in your estate plan.

  • Digital assets need attention too
    As more of our lives are spent online, digital assets like social media accounts and cryptocurrencies become crucial to estate planning. Overlooking these could mean they’re lost or mishandled after your passing. Origin can help you address your digital legacy, ensuring your online presence is managed according to your wishes. See our blog on the O-Red File about the importance and what such a file entails.

In conclusion

Estate planning must adapt to life’s ever-changing circumstances. Whether it’s a significant event like marriage or the rise of digital assets, staying on top of these changes ensures your estate plan remains relevant. Origin’s team of experts is here to guide you through these complexities, providing the support you need to future-proof your will.


Series Conclusion:


From understanding legal requirements to managing life changes and digital assets, estate planning is more complex than most people think. By addressing these overlooked aspects, you can ensure your loved ones are protected and your wishes honoured. 


Origin is here to offer expert advice and help you create a will that stands the test of time. If you’re considering revisiting your estate plan or setting one up for the first time, contact Origin Group today for guidance and support.

If you need any assistance with your Will and Testament, you can send an email to for assistance.

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