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It’s world cup time!

The Cricket World Cup is in full swing and the Rugby World Cup is well on its way! As we all love sport, we would like to bring to your attention the support Origin gives to all our participating teams. We are going to introduce you to Origin’s world-class team and all our service and advice offerings in the following couple of months.

The Origin team of short-term risk advisers and wealth financial planners will bring to your attention how we can participate to bring a world-class holistic financial plan to you.

You will be bowled out when reviewing your short-term insurance policy as it can evolve into a comprehensive risk analysis to include all insurance risks in order to protect your assets. Household goods, motor vehicles, business furniture and equipment, buildings and even non-tangible assets like profits and guarantees can be insured through a wide spectrum of our product providers. Origin’s health advisers will compare various medical plans and GAP covers in order to find the most suitable plan for your family.

Our team of wealth financial planners will hit you for a six when explaining to you that your family is not properly provided for when you take out a simple life cover policy or you cannot retire comfortably when being a member of an employer pension fund alone. Your financial planner will bring together your needs for estate costs and taxes, providing for the family after death, have a proper will drafted, including the most suitable disability and income protection benefits plus critical illness benefits and ensure that your investments and retirement funds are properly managed.

Our team’s main advice areas to grow and protect your assets within a holistic financial plan includes:

• Estate planning, costs and duties; including to review your will and trust deed.
• Investment planning and management towards your goals and needs.
• Retirement provision towards your specific retirement date and plan.
• Medical aid and GAP cover to suit your family’s needs.
• Business assurance to include buy and sell insurance, key person, loan cover and other business needs.
• Employee benefit structures including pension, provident and group risk plans, plus a group medical aid.
• Short-term insurance to protect your personal assets.
• Commercial short-term insurance to protect your business assets.
• Specialised products for various needs like tax planning, non-insurable items and share portfolios.
• Tax, accounting and audit services and advice, including payroll administration.

The Origin team are not only fit and properly skilled but carefully chosen to adhere to the high-quality standards of our world cup team! We look forward to meeting your requirements for a proper holistic financial plan.

When you join the Origin team, we are all winners!

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