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How well do you know your business?

  • Post category:Business


  • MY LIFE!

But what if my business suffers a loss? What if my business burns down? What if my business is a victim to a robbery? What if my motor vehicle is destroyed in an accident? What if I fall ill? What if I am physically impaired or permanently disabled? What if my partner passes on? What if my key staff member suffers a disability? Should I help my staff provide for retirement? What if my staff members cannot work because of constant illness and do not belong to a medical aid? How do I set up my payroll and who will provide me with accounting, VAT and auditing services?

The ORIGIN FINANCIAL team do not want you or your business to suffer because of these unforeseen incidents. We can provide you with comprehensive, holistic and accurate planning and advice to ensure that your business can recover from almost any incident and accident.

Our financial advisors and planners are ready to partner with you to develop the best risk management strategy suited to your specific needs.

We also include the following advice, products and services in the business or commercial environment:

1. Comprehensive commercial short-term insurance for a wide variety of business types, including:

  • Agricultural Insurance;
  • Engineering Insurance;
  • Body corporates and Homeowners’ Associations;
  • Cell Captive or Structured Insurance;
  • Liability Insurance;

2. Buy & Sell structures and business continuation plans;

3. Keyman and Contingent liability plans; and

4. Employee benefits, including pension and provident umbrella funds, group retirement annuities, group life & disability benefits and group medical aid and GAP cover.

Let our business help you retain your business!

This article is a general information sheet and should not be used or relied on as professional advice. No liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions nor for any loss or damage arising from reliance upon any information herein. Always contact your financial adviser for specific and detailed advice. Errors and omissions excepted. (E&OE)

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