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Guy on a Bike – Tue 22 May 2018, Day 170


Rest day at Makuna Matata, Chitimba
Distance 35 + 6337 =  6372
Average  17.2
Time 2 h 01 min
Total from Amsterdam 11772

No diary for Monday 21st as it was a day of chores … washing and shopping. We did have our first swim in the lake which was nice in that we didn’t feel all salty and sticky like one does after a swim in the sea.

…. Today. Very little money in the kitty as we both forgot to remind each other to draw extra money in Korongo so Peter rode 36 km return to a town called Uliwa and on his return he said there was a problem with his back wheel cones. The British owners of a Cape Town Xtrail who parked their car here while they stayed at the Mushroom Farm in Livingstonia for two nights left today. Andrew and Lydia are driving back to CT and then they fly to the UK to tie the knot on 18.8.18 on a farm bordering Wales. We asked if they would mind taking Peter’s yellow rackpack back, filled with stuff, to lighten our loaded bikes. We had 15 minutes to decide what to toss into the bag so went crazy. We are both relieved to lighten our panniers, especially Peter. Back to Peter’s bike … he and Willie fiddled for a while and then got a local in to have a look at it. Lots of dirt in the pieces they removed then Peter decided to send a message to the bike shop in Amsterdam. We had to go next door to Chitimba camp and buy wifi, 250 mb for K1000.


In the meantime we got chatting to the owners of four bakkies from … Ceres, Malmesbury, Montagu and George camping at Chitimba. Corrie, Ona, Anneke, Pierre, Johannes, Joy, Tony and Andre are on a six week trip, they have four weeks left and now head towards Zambia and Zim then catching the ferry from Kariba down to, we think, Binga. Peter took his bike over and four practical men put their thoughts into action and while they fiddled, discussed the problem and oiled the parts affected. We looked on in amazement when everything was put together again. Just hoping that whatever they did sorted out the problem. Next … out came the Witblitz (home brewed liqueur) and we were each presented with a tot. It burned going down but left a nice warm feeling afterwards and I was slightly light headed. With pictures taken, got the address of Pierre Fourie who lives near George, we finally left them getting ready to cook a massive potjie (casserole). We decided to have scrambled eggs for supper to give Martha an early night then chatted to Willie before we all hit the hay. No wifi here and mobile data poor means I can’t attach pictures. Apologies. Lala salama xx

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