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Actively managed model portfolios

Origin Financial’s investment planning team are serious about your investment strategy, goals and returns and therefore propose actively managed portfolios to all our clients. In a highly regulated environment governed by the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act 37 of 2002, that guides financial services providers in the delivery of their services, Origin Financial has taken it upon themselves to outsource the investment function to a professional investment manager or discretionary fund manager.

Our decision was guided by a need to maintain professional independence and to ensure unbiased and unrestricted investment solutions to our clients within the parameters of tailored risk-adjusted investment solutions. Such independence we have found in our business partner, Miton-Optimal South Africa (Pty) Ltd.  Miton-Optimal has over 50 staff and 6 offices over 3 continents and has a track record of delivering superior risk-adjusted returns to clients over a decade.

Miton-Optimal’s approach to creating investment solutions is driven by a completely agnostic stance in terms of platforms, administrators, fund managers, investment style and investment instruments, and simply concentrates on the delivery of the best quality financial investment solutions to meet our clients’ needs.

Benefits to our clients are as follows:

  • Experienced investment team

13 Investment professionals situated in South Africa and Guernsey

  • 10-Year track record in managing portfolios locally and 16-year track record in managing offshore portfolios

Proven track record of providing superior risk-adjusted returns

  • Dynamic strategic asset allocation

Nothing in life remains constant, so neither should your asset allocation

  • Active tactical asset allocation

Taking positions in undervalued areas that present themselves

  • Detailed due diligence and manager analysis process

Qualitative and quantitative analysis undertaken by all managers

  • Ongoing manager evaluation

Constantly monitoring the managers to ensure they are operating within their mandate

  • Quarterly in-depth reporting

Quarterly valuations and in-depth reporting to you

Origin Financial in partnership with Miton-Optimal look forward to a long term relationship and assisting you in meeting your financial goals consistently over time.

This article is a general information sheet and should not be used or relied on as legal or other professional advice. No liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions nor for any loss or damage arising from reliance upon any information herein. Always contact your legal adviser for specific and detailed advice. (E&OE)